Moon Landing | MyPaperHub

#Things I Thought Were Real

     Historical moon landing such as Neil Armstrong is one of the greatest achievements in the American human history. And you can experience it in real time thanks to the live tweeting. @Josh posting tweets about the mission as if it were 1969 about every step of the mission, even little things like what the astronauts ate for breakfast on launch day. (Oard, 2016).

#Apollo11 Crews

    The team is eating traditional breakfast of eggs and steak at the launch day with chief Deke Slayton, the astronaut. @Liz Nixon was to share a meal with the crew but backed out. (Hansen, 2016).


#Nixon rejection

    The white house has canceled Nixon’s to dine with the crew on 15th July due to the phobia of exposing illness to the team. @Josh my grandpa kept telling me about watching the #Moon Landing, and am kind of envious that I was not alive to watch it myself. (Oard, 2016).


      The spacecraft that landed the first American men on the moon, 1969 is going on a road trip. @Josh Apollo 11 Destination Moon celebrates its 50th anniversary of the American historical voyage, one of the iconic achievements in the U.S human history. (Bassi, 2016).


     @Josh I’ll say it again as I had said it before if you think Apollo 11 did not land on the Moon, you are a huge nod end and should get a new brain. (Oard, 2016).


@Liz Contamination accident has forced technician Owen Heather into quarantine together with Apollo 11 crew, support crew, and other contaminated technicians. (Hansen, 2016).


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